I didn't do anything to you.
I didn't want you here.
I married you
so that you could escape.
I don't love you.
I don't love you either.
I love someone else.
I don't love you.
I heard you.
No need to repeat it.
I got the message.
I want to help you leave.
Help me?
Help me how?
I leave my family and everything.
And now you want
to help me go home?
Do you think I'm a toy?
To do with me as you like?
"Come here, go away, come here."
I'm no toy!
I'm staying here.
I'm not leaving.
I hate you.
I don't love you.
No one can explain a feeling.
What do you mean?
I mean...
Especially if the feelings are...
in the plural.
It gets complicated.
A feeling...
is already a sum of feelings.
That's why a feeling
is always in the plural.
This feeling is for a group...
of feelings... a sum...
of feelings.
Here we go again!
No, we're just starting
a rescue operation
of an outstanding citizen like you,
so that you don't fall
into the circle
threatening every human being
to crush him.