Le Cerf-volant

I'm not leaving.
I hate you.
I don't love you.

No one can explain a feeling.
What do you mean?
I mean...
Especially if the feelings are...
in the plural.
It gets complicated.
A feeling...
is already a sum of feelings.
That's why a feeling
is always in the plural.

This feeling is for a group...
of feelings... a sum...
of feelings.
Here we go again!
No, we're just starting
a rescue operation
of an outstanding citizen like you,
so that you don't fall
into the circle

threatening every human being
to crush him.
And he becomes...
You listening?
Unsteady and in love.
Circle, lover, unsteady...
All this preaching
because I happen to like a girl!
But which girl?
Where is she?
Show me where she is

in the binoculars.
All I see is something jumping about.
I know everything about her.
Like what, for instance?
