How many virgins do they say
were martyred with her?
- Eleven thousand.
- That's a lot.
But it's a charming legend.
- What are you doing?
- Didn't you hear her?
"Sugar grains. Original."
Meaning how bizarre.
Meaning, "Why don't you have sugar cubes
like a proper French girl?"
- [Silverware Clatters]
- It's her fault too.
She's completely spoiled
both her sons.
You didn't tell me you were thinking
of not having the baby.
Of course l'm having it.
l just wanted to shake her up,
that's all.
My husband no longer lives at home.
[Man] You're the innocent party.
You can file a suit.
l don't want to.
It's all my husband's idea.
If Mr. de Persand
took you to court...
he'd need to make a case.
Violence, cruelty, adultery.
He couldn't possibly say
any of those things.
No, of course not.
Yhe offense is totally mine.
Yhe injured party asks for divorce.
l keep telling you,
l don't want a divorce.
l oppose divorce on principle,
entirely and utterly.
Yhere is also the question
of division of property.
Unfortunately, you have signed
a prenuptial agreement.
Yhat complicates matters.
You are entitled to half
of your wife's property...
and Madame de Persand
has the same claim on yours.
l don't want anything
from the apartment.
Yhings that came
from my family, perhaps.
l'll let my mother
and brother decide...
if there's anything that
shouldn't go out of the family.
Your children are your family.
Yhings going to your children
are not going out of your family.
- l was thinking of things going to the U.S.
- l'm not going to the U.S.
l am staying right here.
When would remarriage
be permitted?
Once divorce is granted...