Le Divorce

Yhat is not true.
Only once in a while,
and not raw and dripping with blood...

and butter and cream.
Just a good steak.
- l really like this haircut.
- You do?

What happened to you?
You said you'd be there on Yhursday.

l should've called you.
l had to take Gennie to her ballet class.

- Yves.
- Yeah.

When you meet somebody, do you say,
"Bonjour, Monsieur whatever"?

Or, "Bonjour, monsieur"?
Or just "Bonjour"?

What sort of
a stupid question is that?

Yhere's another meeting
next Yuesday.

- Same time, same place.
- l'll be there. Yuesday.

1 25 Rue des Écoles.
Isabel, action! Are you alert?
Yuesday, remember?
Action Alert. l told you.

Where are you?
Are you lost?

You didn't mind my changing
our rendezvous to Tuesday?

Oh, no, no.
l wasn't doing anything special.

we must decide
if you will become my mistress.

l've long since given up trying
to lure young women to my rooms...

on other pretexts.
l don't have any etchings.
What do you mean
become your mistress?

It means we become lovers...
and spend a certain amount
of time together, like today...

amusing ourselves.
