[In French]
l'd have spotted her
in a crowd of thousands.
Oh, hello, Margeeve.!
Hello. Hello.
And this is my sister-in-law,
Amèlie Cosset.
- Nice to meet you.
- Pleased to meet you.
Chester. And Roger.
Oh, Roger.
l was forgetting you.
How was the trip?
It's a privilege for us
to be welcomed here...
in your country, in your family,
in your beautiful home.
Oh, the privilege is all ours.
- l'm sorry that my husband
isn't here with us today.
- Not to mention mine.
[Suzanne] My brother Edgar, he's invited
to many international conferences.
- l believe he's in Belgium today.
- Presumably. l no longer ask.
We love both your daughters,
Roxeanne and Isabel.
They're both so practical,
so sensible.
Roxeanne and Isabel?
We think of the French
as practical, rational.
Voltaire and
the Age of the Enlightenment.
But not our girls, l'm afraid.
Not much rationality there.
- l hunt.
- Hunt?
- Do you hunt?
- No. What do you hunt?
- Yhe deer.
- Yhe deer.
- l guess you shoot them.
- Oh, no. Birds are shot.
But the deer we hunt with dogs.
It's very beautiful.
Yhe horses, the dogs,
the hunters in their coats.
Yhe cleric comes
to bless the dogs.
The idea is to run the noble stag
to the ground.