Yhe Beaufort really was disastrous.
Yes, but the Reblochon was excellent.
Do you agree?
Oh, everything was excellent.
You have such a beautiful house.
And you run it so beautifully.
l really could take lessons.
Oh, you are too kind.
Yhere is something a little delicate
l would like to mention...
while the others are not here.
And l really feel we can talk together
quite freely as mothers.
And quite intimately as friends.
Where is it? Tomber.
l got it. Tomber.
"Yo fall. Yo throw, as in wrestling.
To fall to the ground.
To tumble. "
God, four years of French, l can't
remember a thing. Tomber. Tomber.
Yhat's what Suzanne de Persand
called her brother.
It is an older man
taking advantage of a young girl.
And guess who's the young girl.
It's our own flower... Isabel.
Oh, don't give me that
"this is my life"stare.
- It is her life.
- Yhat's ridiculous. l don't believe it.
- Have l met him?
- No, neither have I.
Oh, wait. It gets better.
Yhen his own wife says that we
must save Isabel from being hurt...
by a man who is, and l quote,
"A little unscrupulous...
where young women
are concerned. "
That's your fault. She's got
that daddy complex thing.
l've seen plenty of our students...
falling for their old professors
or someone...
but those girls were all weak
and clinging types.
Everything that Isabel is not.