Les Invasions barbares

We're returning to London.
-You can't.

We offer him the finest hospital,
he refuses.

You heard him. He'll never change.
You plan to have kids?

Until you're a parent
you'll never understand.

He changed your diapers.
He called your teachers every month
all through school.

He so wanted you to do well.
When you had meningitis at age 3,
he rocked you in his arms
for 48 hours non-stop,

without sleep,
to keep death at bay.

You can't remember that.
What should I do?
Find his friends.
Find him a comfortable room.

That shouldn't be hard.
The Ministry forbids changing hospitals.
Anyway, they'd park him in the hall in Emergency.

The floor below is empty?
-2 years, now.

Could he move there?
-Ice cream with your pie?

You can always ask at Administration.
Good luck!
