Les Invasions barbares

Pius XII sitting on his ass
in his gilded Vatican

while Primo Levi was taken
to Auschwitz... That's not sad!

It's despicable! Hideous!
If what you say true, and history
is a series of abominable crimes,

then someone has to exist
who can forgive us.

That's my belief.
I envy you.
If at least I'd written.
You wrote nothing?
-A few papers here and there, nothing serious.

What are you doing?
What are you doing?
-It bugs me.

What would you have written?
The Gulag Archipelago,
The Periodic Table.

Really, in that class?
-Never. -So?

At least I'd have left a mark. We need to
succeed, even on our own terms.

To be a able to say we did our best.
It allows us to die at peace.

I'm a total failure.
-At least you realize it.

So many professors are smug,

I don't know your daughter,
but Sebastien's not exactly a failure.

Not thanks to me.
-You don't know that.

We thought we'd pay a visit.
-Everyone wonders how you are.

Not everyone, surely.
-You'd be surprised.

That last day in class
no one seemed very moved.

We had no idea at the time.
-Exactly. Now that you're gone...

We see what we're missing.
