"Darling Britta.
We haven't written to each other
in a while, and maybe I changed.
Gone is the time when
I'd write you five letters a week.
I stayed in West Germany...
and I'm studying German,
History and Political Sciences.
Oddly enough, I kinda like it.
I've made some new friends.
One of them is called...
I was sad when I knew about
your American boyfriend...
because I haven't
seen you anymore...
because you stayed there and
you never came back to Germany.
But I remember your arms
and your legs.
I remember your hands
and your eyes.
I'll never forget
how we slept together...
on Christmas night,
among books and candles.
- Helmut?
- Yes.
Helmut Hermes.
You haven't changed a bit.
I'd like to see you again.
Forever yours, Helmut.
PS: I've bumped into Gisela
Schmidtkowsky yesterday.
She didn't go to Berlin. She stayed
and went to medical school.
Doctors are always needed.
Do you keep in touch with
anyone from high school?
Steffi Hanisch is my neighbor.
And I ran into
Wiebke Hellers last week.
That's about it.
I was really sorry about Schäfer.
I hardly knew him, but you
were very close friends, right?