Sometimes, when I'm driving orwalking, I see a man in a corner.
He's just standing there, looking.
When he notices he's being observed,he becomes embarrassed.
On bus stops you can also seeordinary people...
just standing there, looking.
What are they thinking about?What are they looking for?
The past, maybe?
On September 26, 1998,I observed one of these men.
But this time It was different.That man was me.
It was my last momentas someone afraid to commit.
That was when I got rid ofthe curse and I finally grew up.
In the mid Eighties, I shared withmy second girlfriend my first flat.
When she asked me...- Do you love me?
I answered...
I do.
But I wasn't sure.
Later, when my futurefiancée asked...
Where were you onNovember 9, 1989?
I answered...
I was near the Berlin Wall!
But It wasn't true.
That night, I was in bed witha woman, watching a video.
He feels as if his muscles arerelaxed and goes limp again.