I'm in your arms
And you are kissing me
But there seems to be
[Man #1] Finish this drink,
then we'll go to a jazz club.
[Man #2] Yeah.
[Man #2]
You see that guy?
[Man #1] Yeah.
[Man #2]
You know who that is?
[Man #1] It's not him.
[Man #1]
It looks like him,
but it's not him.
[Man #2]
Can you believe it?
[Man #1] Okay, maybe it is.
[Man #2] He's here with us.
I'm gonna go talk to him.
[Man #1] Shut up. Shut up.
[Man #2]
Bob? Bob Harris?
You're awesome, man.!
Sunset Odds.
Loved it.
Man, that car chase...
I couldn't believe it.
[Man #2] Four buses...
And he took that thing
and everything exploded.
I heard he did his own driving.
Did you do your own driving?
I did.
[Man #1]
So, what are you doing here?
[Man #2] Yeah.
Um, seeing friends.
Seeing friends.
[Man #2]
Yeah? Great.
[Man #1]
We're here on business.
I can see it in your eyes
See you, Bob.
Keep it up.
[Fax Machine
Clicking, Humming]