- God, l'm so late.
- lt's just round the corner, you'll make it.
You sure you don't mind
me going without you?
No, really. l'm just feeling so rotten.
- l love you.
- l know.
l love you even when you're sick
and look disgusting.
l know. Now, go or you will actually miss it.
- Did l mention that l love you?
- Yes, you did. Get out, loser.
Karen, it's me again.
l'm sorry, l literally don't have
anybody else to talk to.
Absolutely. Horrible moment, though.
Can l call you back?
Of course.
Doesn't mean l'm not terribly concerned
that your wife just died.
Er, bugger off, call me later.
So what's this big news?
We've been given our parts
in the nativity play
and l'm the lobster.
- The lobster?
- Yeah.
- ln the nativity play?
- Yeah. First Lobster.
There was more than one lobster present
at the birth of Jesus?
Best sandwiches in Britain.
Try my lovely nuts?
Beautiful muffin for a beautiful lady.
Morning, my future wife.