Absolutely. Horrible moment, though.
Can l call you back?
Of course.
Doesn't mean l'm not terribly concerned
that your wife just died.
Er, bugger off, call me later.
So what's this big news?
We've been given our parts
in the nativity play
and l'm the lobster.
- The lobster?
- Yeah.
- ln the nativity play?
- Yeah. First Lobster.
There was more than one lobster present
at the birth of Jesus?
Best sandwiches in Britain.
Try my lovely nuts?
Beautiful muffin for a beautiful lady.
Morning, my future wife.
OK, you can stop there. Thanks.
l need a couple of orange gels.
By the way, he introduced me as John
but everyone calls me Jack.
Oh, fine. Nice to meet you, Jack.
He got me right, though. l'm just Judy.
Great, Just Judy!
- No surprises?
- No surprises.
- Not like the stag night?
- Unlike the stag night.
- You admit the prostitutes were a mistake?
- l do.
And it would've been much better
if they'd not turned out to be men?
That is true.
Good luck, kiddo.