God, come on, get a grip.
You're the Prime Minister, for God's sake.
So what do you reckon
to our new prime minister?
Oh, l like him. l can't understand
why he's not married, though.
You know the type, he's married to his job.
Either that or gay as a picnic basket.
Excuse me, Judy, if you could
just lower the nipples
- and cheat them a bit to the left?
- OK.
l have to say, Judy, this is a real pleasure,
it's lovely to find someone
l can actually chat to.
- Thank you!
- Oh, well, you know.
- And ditto.
- Thank you.
The move again, please, Judy.
- Ooh, sorry.
- Oh, God, sorry. You all right?
- Exciting news!
- What?
l've bought a ticket to the States.
l'm off in three weeks.
- No.
- Yes!
- To a fantastic place called Wisconsin.
- No!
Yes! Wisconsin babes,
here comes Sir Colin!
No, Col! There are a few babes in America,
l grant you,
but they're going out
with rich, attractive guys.
Tone, you're just jealous.
You know perfectly well
that any bar anywhere in America
contains ten girls more beautiful
and more likely to have sex with me
- than the whole of the United Kingdom.
- That is total bollocks. You're mad.
No, l'm wise. Stateside l am Prince William
without the weird family.
- No, Colin, no!
- Yes!
- Nyet!
- Da!
- Nein!
- Ja, darling!
Right, the Christmas party,
not my favourite night of the year
and your unhappy job to organise.
- Tell me.
- lt's basic, really.
Find a venue, over-order on the drinks,
bulk buy the guacamole
and advise the girls to avoid Kevin
if they want their breasts unfondled.
- Wives and family and stuff?
- Yeah. l mean, not children.