Er, scary? Yes, sometimes scary.
And, er, sometimes not.
Mainly scary how bad the writing is.
l'd better get back to work.
- Ah.
- Later you'll drive me home?
lt's my favourite time of day...
driving you.
lt's the saddest part
of my day, leaving you.
'And coming up
later this morning, it's this guy...'
- '..the bad grandad of rock'n'roll,
'here at 10:30. Do not switch off.'
Banoffee pie?
No, thanks.
Thank God. You would've broken my heart
if you'd said yes.
Right, well, lucky you.
- Can l come in?
- Er, yeah, well, l'm a bit busy...
l was just passing and l thought
we might check that video thing out.
l thought l might be able
to swap it for some pie
or maybe Munchies?