'And coming up
later this morning, it's this guy...'
- '..the bad grandad of rock'n'roll,
'here at 10:30. Do not switch off.'
Banoffee pie?
No, thanks.
Thank God. You would've broken my heart
if you'd said yes.
Right, well, lucky you.
- Can l come in?
- Er, yeah, well, l'm a bit busy...
l was just passing and l thought
we might check that video thing out.
l thought l might be able
to swap it for some pie
or maybe Munchies?
Actually, l was serious - l don't know
where it is. l'll have a look tonight.
Mark, can l say something?
l know you're Peter's best friend
and l know you've never
particularly warmed to me.
Look, don't, don't argue.
We've never got friendly.
But l wanted to say, l hope that can change.
l'm nice. l really am.
Apart from my terrible taste in pie and...
lt would be great if we could be friends.
Absolutely. Absolutely.
Doesn't mean we'll be able
to find the video, though.
l had a real search when you first called
and couldn't find it so...
This one says
''Peter and Juliet's Wedding''.
Do you think we might be on the right track?
Er, yeah, well... Wow. That-that could be it.
- Do you mind if l...?
- l've probably taped over it.