Tell me, if you were in my position,
what would you do?
What position is that?
lmagine your husband
bought a gold necklace
and, come Christmas,
gave it to somebody else.
- Oh, Karen...
- Would you wait around to find out...
- Good night.
- Night, darling. Happy Christmas.
Would you wait around to find out
if it's just a necklace
or if it's sex and a necklace
or if, worst of all, it's a necklace and love?
Would you stay? Knowing life
would always be a little bit worse?
- Or would you cut and run?
- Oh, God.
l am so in the wrong.
A classic fool.
Yes, but you've also made a fool out of me.
You've made the life l lead foolish, too.
Darling. Ooh, darlings!
Oh, you were wonderful.
My little lobster, you were so...
What is that word?
Come on, l've got treats at home.
Dad's coming.
Sammy! Fantastic show!
Classic drumming, son.
- Thanks. Plan didn't work, though.
- Tell her, then.
- Tell her what?
- That you love her.
No way. Anyway, they fly tonight.
Even better. Sam, you've got nothing to lose
and you'll always regret it if you don't.
l never told your mum enough.
l should have told her every day
because she was perfect every day.
You've seen the films, kiddo.
lt ain't over till it's over.
OK, Dad. Let's do it. Let's go get the shit
kicked out of us by love.
- Just give me one sec.
- Yeah.
- Oh, l'm sorry.
- Sorry.