My little lobster, you were so...
What is that word?
Come on, l've got treats at home.
Dad's coming.
Sammy! Fantastic show!
Classic drumming, son.
- Thanks. Plan didn't work, though.
- Tell her, then.
- Tell her what?
- That you love her.
No way. Anyway, they fly tonight.
Even better. Sam, you've got nothing to lose
and you'll always regret it if you don't.
l never told your mum enough.
l should have told her every day
because she was perfect every day.
You've seen the films, kiddo.
lt ain't over till it's over.
OK, Dad. Let's do it. Let's go get the shit
kicked out of us by love.
- Just give me one sec.
- Yeah.
- Oh, l'm sorry.
- Sorry.
That's OK.
- My fault.
- No, no, really, it wasn't.
You're Sam's dad, aren't you?
Yeah. Stepdad, actually.
- Daniel.
- l'm Carol.
- OK, l'm back. Let's go.
- Yeah. Well...
l hope we'll meet again, Karen.
- l'll make sure we do.
- Yeah? Good.
- Tell her.
- What?
- You know...
- Don't be such an arse.
- Look, there she is.
- Where?
Over there.
Oh, no.
lt's OK, we'll go to the airport.
l know a short cut.