
Not for one sleepless night...
not for a week,
but for all eternity:
Are we to be spared
the fires of damnation

on the Judgment Day?
Tonight, your Pope,
the vicar of Christ, sends you a gift,

a gift to save you
from such fires,

a special indulgence granted
for the building
of Saint Peter's Church in Rome...

where the bones
of the apostles lie moldering,

exposed to wind and rain,
desecrated by wild animals.
Take heed the words
of your Holy Father who says,

"Lay a stone for Saint Peter's,
"and you lay the foundation
for your own salvation

and happiness in heaven."
How? With this indulgence.
When? Tonight,
and only tonight.
Seek the Lord while he is near.
Here is your raft.
Take hold:
In Heaven, there is
a treasure chest filled with merit.

Merit from Christ Jesus,
the Mirgin Mary, and the saints,
who, through their holy lives,
have merit to spare
for us poor sinners in need.
