All my life, I have seen
a world that hates evil
more than it loves good.
I beg you
to look to the good, Martin.
You are tearing the world apart.
That day when you
sent me out so boldly
to change the world...
Did you really think
there wouldn't be a cost?
It is simply a matter
of individual conscience.
They'll burn him for sure.
Do you, Martin Luther,
recognize these books?
Tle 95 Tleses. A Senmmon
on Indulgence and Gnace.
Tle Babylonian Captivity.
Fneedomm of a Clnistian.
Addness to tle Clnistian Nobility
of tle Genmman Nation?
Are you the author?
All are mine.
These books contain heresies
against our holy church.