They'll burn him for sure.
Do you, Martin Luther,
recognize these books?
Tle 95 Tleses. A Senmmon
on Indulgence and Gnace.
Tle Babylonian Captivity.
Fneedomm of a Clnistian.
Addness to tle Clnistian Nobility
of tle Genmman Nation?
Are you the author?
All are mine.
These books contain heresies
against our holy church.
Do you recant
what you've written?
Please, God,
let him say the right thing.
- I was...
- Speak up.
May I have time to consider?
You have had the time,
and you should have been
prepared to answer.
I would like to answer
without injury
to the divine word
or danger to my soul.
Any one of us might be
expected to bear witness,
unequivocally and fearlessly
at any time.
All the more in your case,
a famous, experienced
professor of theology.