If only it were.
Look at him.
He goes to his fate,
hurrying like a bridegroom.
Not all bridegrooms
are so fleet.
I would not say the bachelors
of Wittenberg have been tardy.
The other nuns are all spoken for.
And you've made it so clear
that marriage
is an honorable estate...
for everyone else, at least.
- I see why you scare them.
- My grief is that I scare you.
I know you like me, Doctor.
I feel your heart
when we make music together.
But when the music ends,
you flee.
I'm a man of blood, Katie.
I divide people.
Thousands have died
because of me.
Most days I'm so depressed
I can't even get out of bed.
People try to make me
a fixed star.
But I'm not.
I'm a wandering planet.
No one should
look to me for guidance.
Two things I promise you...
we will make
joyous music together,
and to get to you,
your enemies will have to
step across my dead body.
In return,
I ask only one thing...
that you bring none of them
to our marriage bed,
not peasants or princes or Popes,
unless He be a God of love.
For God's sake,
at least get new candles:
- There's nothing left except these.
- Now: