Two things I promise you...
we will make
joyous music together,
and to get to you,
your enemies will have to
step across my dead body.
In return,
I ask only one thing...
that you bring none of them
to our marriage bed,
not peasants or princes or Popes,
unless He be a God of love.
For God's sake,
at least get new candles:
- There's nothing left except these.
- Now:
So mmucl fon Leo
wlo would nebuild Romme...
800.000 ducats in debt.
Had le lived. Le would lave
sold tle Vatican itself.
But as a Pope,
he could have changed the world.
He could have reformed the church
instead of just rebuilding it.
Leo was a spiritual dwarf
when we needed a giant like Luther.
Well, Luther's getting married.
To a runaway nun.
He wouldn't dare.