So mmucl fon Leo
wlo would nebuild Romme...
800.000 ducats in debt.
Had le lived. Le would lave
sold tle Vatican itself.
But as a Pope,
he could have changed the world.
He could have reformed the church
instead of just rebuilding it.
Leo was a spiritual dwarf
when we needed a giant like Luther.
Well, Luther's getting married.
To a runaway nun.
He wouldn't dare.
If I wene to tell you tlat
Albent of Mainz sent us
a wedding pnesent.
wlat would you say?
Send it back.
Then it's as well
he did no such thing,
or we'd be having
our first quarrel.
They are going to burn Ulrick:
They caught him at the border.
What is it?
What has happened?