When you said "Paris," it was stupid
to assume you were going to France.
Of course, I should have guessed that
you had a branch office in Ontario.
Oh, everyone spoke French?
Oh, that must've been horrible.
Yes, sir, it's completely my fault.
Though I am surprised that the
layover in Brussels didn't tip you off.
Common mistake, sir.
Brussels is considered by many
to be the Minneapolis of Europe.
I hate my job.
Thank God for my exciting social life.
- Ma, it's my first glass.
- It's your second.
If your mother say it's your second,
it's your second.
Like your side of the family.
Always with a glass in her hand.
Your Uncle Dominic died
because of his heavy drinking.
For you information, my brother
Dominic die of lung cancer.
It was your Aunt Yolanda
who drowned in a barrel of whiskey.
If we're gonna have a argument
about who died...
...I'm leaving the table.
- Nobody leave until you finish supper.
Yeah? What happens
if I leave the table?
That's what happen.
There is nothing like
a relaxing evening at home.
I should know.
I didn't move out until I was 27.
- Seriously?
- Seriously.
I have this neighbor, Massimo.
Sixty-nine years old, never married
and still living at home.
It's a cultural thing.
Italians leave the house...
... either two ways: Married or dead.
And knowing for sure
that I would never get married...
... I knew I had to do
something drastic.
Why?! Why?!
Just go. And don't look back.
Leaving was easy. Bringing them to
my new apartment was the hard part.
This building gotta be
a hundred year old.
- That's part of its charm.
- What's charming about it being old?
- We're old.
- We're not charming.