I should know.
I didn't move out until I was 27.
- Seriously?
- Seriously.
I have this neighbor, Massimo.
Sixty-nine years old, never married
and still living at home.
It's a cultural thing.
Italians leave the house...
... either two ways: Married or dead.
And knowing for sure
that I would never get married...
... I knew I had to do
something drastic.
Why?! Why?!
Just go. And don't look back.
Leaving was easy. Bringing them to
my new apartment was the hard part.
This building gotta be
a hundred year old.
- That's part of its charm.
- What's charming about it being old?
- We're old.
- We're not charming.
No, Ma, don't touch anything
till the cops get here.
- Want them to think you live like a pig?
- Why did this have to happen to us?
Me, Pa, it happened to me.
I'm the one who got robbed.
No rob! This is act of terrorism
against Italian people.
- I want you to move back home.
- No, Ma, I am not moving back home!
Come in at your own risk.
Oh, officer, thank God you're here.
Tell my son that this is not
a safe neighborhood.
- These things happen all over the city.
- Paventi.
- Nino?
- That's right. How are you?
Nino! Gino, this is Nino.
Lina's son!
- Nino! Angelo, you remember?
- Actually, that's why I took the call.
I wanted to see what my old bud
was up to.
Being attacked by thugs.
Not much has changed
since we last saw each other.
And then it was like old times.
- You're not enjoying this, are you?
- You kidding? I am so enjoying this.