- Forget about it.
- It was shitty of me. I apologize.
- Apology accepted.
- That quick?
What can I say? I'm easy.
Oh, boy, did we reunite that night.
So you get there a couple
hours later, does it really matter?
It matters that much, huh?
There. Now all that's left for you to do
is tell your mother you're moving in.
Do I have to?
Come on, Mama. I'll come
see you every day, I promise. I'Il...
It's a miracle Lina
didn't have a stroke.
What is wrong with living here
until you get married?
Both your father and me did it,
and we're not dead.
- We still here.
- Yeah. After we got married...
...we had our mothers with us.
And your crazy Aunt Yolanda
until she got married!
My sister Yolanda was not crazy!
Let me ask you a question, okay?
How come you prefer
to live with Nino...
...instead of with me and your mama
and your sister. Why?!
Let me ask you a question. Why is
Nino a better roommate than us?
- Because.
- Because why?
Because Nino's my lover.
- lf only I could say that out loud.
- You didn't?
- No. Every time I try to, I freeze.
- Why is that?