There. Now all that's left for you to do
is tell your mother you're moving in.
Do I have to?
Come on, Mama. I'll come
see you every day, I promise. I'Il...
It's a miracle Lina
didn't have a stroke.
What is wrong with living here
until you get married?
Both your father and me did it,
and we're not dead.
- We still here.
- Yeah. After we got married...
...we had our mothers with us.
And your crazy Aunt Yolanda
until she got married!
My sister Yolanda was not crazy!
Let me ask you a question, okay?
How come you prefer
to live with Nino...
...instead of with me and your mama
and your sister. Why?!
Let me ask you a question. Why is
Nino a better roommate than us?
- Because.
- Because why?
Because Nino's my lover.
- lf only I could say that out loud.
- You didn't?
- No. Every time I try to, I freeze.
- Why is that?
Because being gay and Italian
is a fate worse than...
Actually, there is no fate
worse than being gay and Italian.
To top things off, my mother keeps on
setting me up with nice Italian girls.
And like an idiot, I go out with them.
And then I feel like a louse
for not calling them back.
All this lying. It's sapping my energy.
Nino and I made a deal. No one can
know about the two of us except us.
Only, my poor sister Anna knows.
She found out by accident.
That is so like her.
- You okay?
- I will be once the Valium kicks in.
- It's not what you think.
- Who's thinking? I'm not.
- I am so sorry.
- Why sorry? I'm thrilled.
You two are a couple.
I reacted the way I did because
I saw my brother naked. I gotta go.
- Hey, you just got here.
- Did I?
Time flies when you're mortified.
- You make a beautiful couple.
- Did you hear that?