Mambo italiano

- My son is a what?
- A homo.

- And he turned our Angelo into one.
- Don't blame her son.

- Who's to say it's not our son?
- I'm to say it's not.

Are you saying that my Nino
is banging your Angelo?

- I'm saying it's the other way around.
- What does it matter?

Excuse me, sir, but if anybody...
:25:27 not getting banged
around here, it's my Nino.

And what make you think
it's Nino doing the banging?

Because Nino is a banger.
- And Angelo is not?
- No.

Mrs. Paventi, I have to ask you
to leave the house!

Wait. We haven't discussed anything
of importance here.

What's to discuss? You invite me
over here to tell me a sick lie...

:25:54 finita la discussione.
- Oh, hi, Mrs. Paventi, how are you...?
- Fuck off!

My mom just told your mom.
Head for the hills.

- Going somewhere?
- How'd you get in here?

The door was locked,
the alarm system was on...

Nino, I'm Sicilian.
- So you talked to...?
- Si.

- Then you know...
- I know. I know everything.

- You're not angry?
- How can I be angry with you?

You're the only kid I got. I love you.
I forgive everything.
- You do?
- It's your life.

If you want to flush it down the toilet,
who am I to stop you?

- Mama...
- lf you don't care about growing old...

...without a wife, without children
to look after you, what can I do?

