My mom just told your mom.
Head for the hills.
- Going somewhere?
- How'd you get in here?
The door was locked,
the alarm system was on...
Nino, I'm Sicilian.
- So you talked to...?
- Si.
- Then you know...
- I know. I know everything.
- You're not angry?
- How can I be angry with you?
You're the only kid I got. I love you.
I forgive everything.
- You do?
- It's your life.
If you want to flush it down the toilet,
who am I to stop you?
- Mama...
- lf you don't care about growing old...
...without a wife, without children
to look after you, what can I do?
...I'm so sorry.
There's nothing to be sorry about...
...but if you want, we can just
forget this ever happened.
We can pack your bags
and get the hell out of here.
Nino, I made a big batch of cannelloni.
How about it?
Come back home, bello.
I am home, Mama. Angelo and...
I'm gonna go now.
You want some cannelloni,
you come with me.
You want some disgusting,
mortal sin activity, you stay here.
Well, if it isn't the wife.
- How are you, Signora Paventi?
- Oh, Nino...
...Iook at this beautiful face. Nice.
Now think of his big, fat mother...
...because that's the face
you're going to end up with.