What? You know too much about me.
It's embarrassing.
- I did go to Pius X high school. Yes.
- Dino.
- Nino.
- Mastronomo.
- Paventi.
- Of course, Nino Paventi. I'm stupid.
You were homecoming king
with my friend Gina Della Rovere.
Gina. My God, it's been years.
How is Gina?
Two kids.
Two kids.
- What's wrong?
- Me, I thought I would be married too.
I'm sorry, I didn't get your name.
Pina. Pina Lunetti.
It's nice to meet you, Pina.
Oh, shit.
What to do you mean,
Moretti didn't show up?
Listen, the contract says today,
and I want them today...
...so if Moretti doesn't show up with
his doors, it's his ass along with yours.
Good. Shit.
Come, I was about to leave too.
When my father had his heart attack
he was forced to retire, so I took over.
- You run this company by yourself?
- Yep.
- You, you're not married?
- Me? No, no.
How come?
All the girls said...
...you'd be the first to marry
because you're a hunk.
- Thanks.
- So...
...what do you do?
- I'm a cop.
...aren't you gonna invite me over?
We could talk some more.