My life basically consists of a series
of horror movies strung together.
And since my brother came out
everything is more horrific.
- And why is that?
- Because we're Italian.
And can you believe that...
- What?
...I'm the sane one in the family?
I'm afraid our time is up.
Let's discuss this
some more next week.
There's not gonna be a next week.
- Why not?
- I never see a psychiatrist twice.
- Never, bella?
- No, never.
What? You know too much about me.
It's embarrassing.
- I did go to Pius X high school. Yes.
- Dino.
- Nino.
- Mastronomo.
- Paventi.
- Of course, Nino Paventi. I'm stupid.
You were homecoming king
with my friend Gina Della Rovere.
Gina. My God, it's been years.
How is Gina?
Two kids.
Two kids.
- What's wrong?
- Me, I thought I would be married too.
I'm sorry, I didn't get your name.
Pina. Pina Lunetti.
It's nice to meet you, Pina.