God help us.
It's real.
I always wanted big hair like hers.
Pina's on the phone.
Nino, she's called about
a million times.
When are you going to talk to her?
You should see this chick,
she's freaking gorgeous.
She's hot, but more than that,
she's a classy broad.
Where you gonna find
a classy broad?
She dresses good, knows how to
handle herself in public. Smart too.
Dear Father, I've been coming here
every Saturday afternoon...
...for the last 30 years.
- Si, si, si.
At 2:45 p.m., after you finish
the vacuuming...
...and while the tomato sauce
is simmering.
But today I came here
to ask for a miracle.
You see, Father, I agreed to put
a stupid scheme in motion...
...and now my entire family
is torn apart.
What did you do now, Maria?
I tried to set my son
up with some puttana.
Pardon my language.
- Go on, my child.
- And I don't know if I could ever...
...forgive my son for all the things
he said to me.
But I want him to be cured.
I need this miracle,
so in return I must forgive him.
- Is your son gravely ill?
- No. He's gravely gay.
Dear Nino,
this is the only way I can think of...
... that I might be able to reach you.
So I ask you...
... read this through
before closing your mind.
Before shutting me out forever.