Matchstick Men

You taught me most of what I know,
so I suppose I owe you better than this.

But you always told me if I ever got
a shot at a big score, I should take it.

And that's what I did.
Sorry, sorry!
Sorry about the sap on the head,
by the way, and for everything else.

You always said guys like us can't afford
to have regrets about what we do.

That's gonna be a little harder for me,
but I'll manage.

Well, no, I told her I'm a psychiatrist.
I can't lie, Roy.

Hey, hey, hey, hey, pal!
If it makes any difference,
you're the best I ever saw.

I'd never find a better partner,
and now I won't have to.

I love you, man. Frank.
Booth today, Mr. Waller?
P.S. Enjoy the gift.
She said you were a bad guy.
You don't seem like a bad guy.
Well, I don't think you're a bad guy.
