Honey, AI says I can't give you
any tab
Toby, how Iong have I
been the customer here?
Would you cut me some
fucking sIack here?
Go get me 2 more
Fucking Iazy bastard,
it's no big deaI, man
Al runs a tab aII the time
you know...
he just probabIy doesn't
know it
Leen, what are you
gonna do?
I got it on fucking
controI, man
I'm kind of starving here
There's no way, you could
maybe ah...
I don't know, caII your
dad or...
Yeah I know I know,
I'm just saying for you, you know?
Fuck it, man, I got shit
Iine up, you know
It's not a fucking big deaI
Can I just give it to
you straight
The truth is,
I'm...I'm a hooker
I'm trying to cIean my Iife up
here, you know...
Go straight and questions
and aII, so...
If there's any Iink that you
can heIp me with...
That's because I was...
-That's not even matter gonna matter
Because the best you're gonna get is
factory work
Hey Todd, do we even have any
factory work?
I'm sorry, I'm just trying
to taIk to you here ...
You don't have any
change, do you?