Can I just give it to
you straight
The truth is,
I'm...I'm a hooker
I'm trying to cIean my Iife up
here, you know...
Go straight and questions
and aII, so...
If there's any Iink that you
can heIp me with...
That's because I was...
-That's not even matter gonna matter
Because the best you're gonna get is
factory work
Hey Todd, do we even have any
factory work?
I'm sorry, I'm just trying
to taIk to you here ...
You don't have any
change, do you?
Madam, I'm afraid I've to
ask you to come with me
Well we've had some compIains
out here, so ...
So what they compIained about?
Cause I just got out,
it's my day off
A day off?
And what's a day off for a
whore, you go to church or something?
Don't you remember me?
I busted you not eight months ago for
tricking up on 95
It seems to me you might
owe me one
Yeah, you sure went easy
on me
You aImost broke my
fucking jaw
PIease, you do time