He gets a free haircut and
l can't afford cigarettes?
Like what that old man could pay
would make a difference.
lt's that stupid way of thinking
that got us where we are.
Do you know how much you spend
on cigarettes, Carmen?
See? When God closes a window
a door opens.
Still open?
Sorry to be cautious, but we can't
be too careful these days.
-Can l help you?
-l want to shave beard and head.
-Didn't you like the way l cut it?
-Yes liked. But changed mind.
Keep your mouth shut,
you look prettier!
lnside, come on.
Don't hurt me, please.
Take everything,
but please, don't hurt me.
-lt's all in the top drawer...
-This isn't a fucking hold-up!
Look after Nene's wound.
l can't. l've never dressed
a wound like that before.
Where does that door go to?
To an inner yard.
Are you alone?
Quick. Get the fucking Russian...
l'll pull through.