I got an itch from
my pants, you know?
Let me see it.
It's upside down.
Gotta go, dad. Bye.
Flip it.
You must be Martha, right?
- Who's this?
- The bride before you.
You ruined my wedding,
you know?
By refusing to give me
a handful of rice...
everything's gone wrong
in my life.
- It jinxed you?
- Jinxed?!
- You cursed my marriage.
- That rice thing.
Your honking made my
carriage horses panic...
then people threw eggs at us,
making our horses fart.
There was no reception. The
druglords called a curfew.
And, to top it off,
when I got here...
Where is...? Gone?
- Your place?!
- No, the asshole I married.
Vani is fucking crazy!
She is crazy.
Vani's making me crazy!
Sergio Rodrigues de Mattos!
He always makes it look
like I'm crazy.
You coward! Get out
of my sight, hear me?!
Now I'm fucked.
I'm fucked!
I'm totally fucked.
He won't show up. He's
paranoid I'll make a scene.
Look what he wrote.
- In the back, too?
- What?
- There's more.
- I wrote that.
- It's upside down.
- Sorry. We had a fight.
He threw a bachelor's party...
here the night before
our wedding.
I went crazy. So I came down
here to...