No offense.
Personally, I don't stand
with others around here
about free grazers.
There was a fight in your store
about a week or so back.
Some of Baxter's men
jumped our friend.
He was a big feller.
I saw the whole thing.
That big feller drubbed the hell
out of them other three.
Broke one's arm.
Be a gunhand named Butler,
would it?
That's what they say.
Felt bad about your friend.
Is he all right?
He's dead.
That's too bad.
Seemed like
a nice young feller.
It's a shame what this town
has come to.
You could do something
about it.
We're freighters.
Ralph here's a shopkeeper.
You're men, ain't you?
I didn't raise my boys
just to see them killed.
Well, you may not know this,
but there's things that gnaw
on a man worse than dying.
Evening, gents.
Better get out of this weather,
or your bones are gonna be
even stiffer than mine.
Heading into the saloon
to do just that.
Come looking for you boys.
I'd have bought you a drink
if you was earlier.
Then turn around
and do it now.
Marshal's got men waiting to
waylay you back at the livery.
Another one's in your wagon.
And then there's another
in the shed across from it.
Marshal with them?
He's sitting up there
all by his lonesome