Well, you may not know this,
but there's things that gnaw
on a man worse than dying.
Evening, gents.
Better get out of this weather,
or your bones are gonna be
even stiffer than mine.
Heading into the saloon
to do just that.
Come looking for you boys.
I'd have bought you a drink
if you was earlier.
Then turn around
and do it now.
Marshal's got men waiting to
waylay you back at the livery.
Another one's in your wagon.
And then there's another
in the shed across from it.
Marshal with them?
He's sitting up there
all by his lonesome
in that warm, dry jailhouse
with his feet up
waiting for them
to bring you in.
Or kill you.
Well, thanks for the warning.
Like I told you, never been
partial to the marshal's ways.
Dent Baxter's either.
You're near the only friend
we got in this town.
I'll be buying a drink or two.
You keep it quiet, all right?
Time's come.
How you want to play it?
Well, I work for you, Boss.
I'll play it however you want.
Nobody works for anybody here,
Now, the name Butler mean
anything to you?
You hear names when you're on
the other side of things.
He as fast as they say?
He's a killer.
Know him if you saw him?
He ain't hard to recognize
if you know
what you're looking for.
Too bad if we get
shot up tonight
before we get a chance
at him and Baxter.
Sure as hell is.
Tell you what,
I'd like to sit someplace dry
while the marshal's men
sit out in this rain.
Won't be so steady
come morning.