Act lik e e very one else?
- You mean fight and drink?
Don't go from one e xtreme
to the other.
There's also
a golden middle ground.
My family doesn't have enough
gold for that ground.
Why just the slot machine?
Why didn't the y rob the register?
And usually crook s steal some beer
but not one bottle's missing.
Maybe the y had hard drugs in mind.
Any one find the cat?
- Say what?
Maybe the y le ft the register
alone on purpose.
Where's the logic in that?
- That's what I'm wondering about.
Isn't there any other place
for our dad?
The y don't hand out rooms to bums.
Put him in home care if y ou can.
Ho w much does that cost?
- Do I look lik e a price list?
If the old man's coming home,
I'm leaving. - He's y our dad, too.
Lik e the Dalton brothers, stupidity
gro ws with height in y our family.
All y ou need is a dumb-ass dog and
y ou'd be lik e the real Daltons.
Have y our dad call us and
preach his ass o f f.
I don't think the suck er has
the mone y to buy a phone.