Where's the logic in that?
- That's what I'm wondering about.
Isn't there any other place
for our dad?
The y don't hand out rooms to bums.
Put him in home care if y ou can.
Ho w much does that cost?
- Do I look lik e a price list?
If the old man's coming home,
I'm leaving. - He's y our dad, too.
Lik e the Dalton brothers, stupidity
gro ws with height in y our family.
All y ou need is a dumb-ass dog and
y ou'd be lik e the real Daltons.
Have y our dad call us and
preach his ass o f f.
I don't think the suck er has
the mone y to buy a phone.
Aulis, stop it.
- Keep y our fucking mouth shut.
I don't think the bo y kno ws
anything about puss y.
But that's why the y have
all those animals.
You're all just a bunch
o f little cock suck ers.
Dishing out y our o wn
personal justice.
You draw faster than y our shado w.
- But y ou have no use for puss y.
What? Pirjo, fuck, stay put!
- My name isn't 'Pirjo Fuck'.
He y, don't fucking try me. I kno w
y ou're not allo wed to hit any one.
Let's get the hell out o f here.
Fucking whore!
You shouldn't get in troub le
because o f me.
Aulis is such a prick. He think s
he's lik e e verything that he o wns.