You're just going to leave me
in there as a laughing stock?
I'm not leaving y ou.
I'm leaving the school.
Same thing.
I don't want to stay in there with
Aulis and his cre w.
What do y ou want?
I want y ou to tak e care o f me
and protect me.
I want y ou to buy me gifts
and talk to me.
I want y ou to buy me a kitten.
I want to have se x with y ou.
I really do.
You whore.
You filthy, salesman-fucking...
...slimy-pussied sin ful whore.
Where y ou going? We're not done.
- No speak Finnish...
Speak what y ou lik e,
but y ou're not going any where.
No one leaves me.
Whoring's a sin!
You'll go to hell.
But don't worry,
I have connections.
No speak Finnish. - Hell has
e verything y ou e ver wanted.
Everything at y our fingertips,
but just out o f reach.