You whore.
You filthy, salesman-fucking...
...slimy-pussied sin ful whore.
Where y ou going? We're not done.
- No speak Finnish...
Speak what y ou lik e,
but y ou're not going any where.
No one leaves me.
Whoring's a sin!
You'll go to hell.
But don't worry,
I have connections.
No speak Finnish. - Hell has
e verything y ou e ver wanted.
Everything at y our fingertips,
but just out o f reach.
If y ou want to go to hell,
y ou better do e verything no w.
A c rime le ague has terrorize d
gas s tations for s ome time now.
They pulle d the w hole c as h mac hine
loo s e w ith a c ar and c hain.
The polic e hav en't c au ght the
c ulprits, but hav e an ey ew itnes s.
He w as re ally mus c ular and y o ung.
Foreign, I think. He had a turban.
So y o u talke d to him? - Yes, but
I c o uldn't unders tand him.
It w as n't Sw e dis h or Englis h.
- Es tonian may be?
It did s o und a bit like Finnis h.
When he s aw me, he lau ghe d.
Oopsidais y.
- I want my mone y.