And next summer's gingham
Down at Selfbury and Co.
There a-shopping we'll go
for the warmest cashmere
That we all hold so dear
Pongee and messaline
Tartan and velveteen
For mohair and nankeen
And for lustrous sateen
On offer just today
Dear Gilberte is away
-So you may as well go
-So we may as well go
Without letting her know
And we'll just sneak out
When the lady of the house
shows no nous
And when you come to call
she's out and about
Although she asked us
with such glee
Here for tea
Lord, how forgetful she can be!
Forgetful she can be!
So how on earth can one
save face in that case
And what to do for Heaven's
sakes with these cakes
The wonders set for
today's spree that we see
Pride of Battenberg and Dundee?
-They've all gone, as you see
-So we see!
-And so now you can flee
-Let us flee!
Let's be gone
Far from this salon
And so be gone!
There are no bargains
at Selfbury and Co.
l bargained on the bargains
to rid myself
of that little chorus line.
Now that we're alone together,
let's carry on.
Good afternoon, Mademoiselle.
How are you today?
What do you care, Faradel?
Everyone knows that you're not
interested in young girls!
Here you are,
teasing me already!
Are you here
without Madame Verberie?
Of course. Mother goes her way
and l go mine.
She knows that l'm perfectly
capable of defending myself.
And even attacking.
Dear Faradel, don't pester me,
you won't have the last word.
Nor should l want to.
The last word with you is,
''Marry me!''
Marry you?
Heavens, no!
We all know
Faradel's speciality:
you take aim
at married women and miss.
l beg your pardon.
Oh, come on,
aren't you here hoping
to woo the beautiful
Gilberte Valandray?
She's in your sights.
Bang, bang!
Know why you'll miss her?
Because you're out of date,
my poor Faradel.