It makes no sense. Every day
you say, "Stay out of the pool room."
But I come and win $200 or $300.
It's easy money.
-Coming to Mel's?
You guys are retarded. I'm not going.
-Let's go.
-Seriously, don't smoke.
If I catch you with him smoking,
I'll take your bar mitzvah money.
-Thanks, Mom.
-He wouldn't do that, would he?
All right, Mom, get in the fucking car.
Did you guys know
that the average penis size is 6.4 inches...
and that the average vaginal canal
is 7.9 inches?
Therefore, in this country alone...
there's over 17,000 miles...
of unused virgin pussy out there.
-Come on.
-What the fuck is the matter with you?
-This shit is true.
-Did you do the math on that?
-I did.
-You have too much free time.
Where do you get this shit?
-lt's common knowledge.
-Hey, Danny.
-You still playing The Goat, Friday night?
-Yes, you girls are coming, right?
The guy who signed Stevie Ray Vaughan
is coming down to see my ass.
Sorry, I gotta work Friday night,
and it's Lanie's last night of training.
What is this, the Olympics?
Come on, take the night off.
I'll train her myself.
This is the universal sign for "check."
I need this.
If Sinatra made it big by paying off girls
to scream and faint when he sang...
I got to have a couple of hot girls
throwing their panties on stage at my gig.
-We'll see.
-I love you. Mean it.
-Are you kidding me?
-Man, that chick has got body karate.
Do you think her tits are real?
I hate chicks with fake tits.
Are you kidding me? Fake tits are
the greatest invention of the 20th century.
-Plus they're safer.
Do you know that 78 percent
of chicks that have fake tits...
who are involved in boating accidents
do not drown?
-Where do you get this shit?
-lt's common knowledge.
Get the fuck out of here.
Now, slowly, give me your gun
and all the money in your briefcase, nigga.