Of course you did.
Why should tonight be any different?
You can't do anything
without playing an angle, can you?
I'm sorry, Uncle Mike.
I shouldn't have brought him here.
-That's your Johnny.
-This is Uncle Mike?
-You don't understand, sweetheart--
-I understand.
You think about one thing.
You care about one thing, and it is not me.
Please don't go. Get the fuck off me!
Are you crazy?
Women. You can't even
live with them anymore.
So, what about you?
I'll give you the keys,
and you can stay overnight at the office.
Thanks, Nick.
What are you going to do?
Gonna give up pool
and try to go back to her?
I gotta tell you something.
I don't think you can give up the game,
because you love it too much.
I don't know. Joe messed me up good.
Joe had nothing to do with it,
for Christ's sake!
Your trouble is, you played so many bums,
you almost became a bum yourself.
And you're not!
You're suffering from
a minor-league syndrome, understand?
You've gotta pull your ass out of that.
Tang and Danny don't belong in this place.
They don't belong in the world of pool.
But you do, for Christ's sake!
You have one of the most natural talents
in that arm I've ever seen in my life.
And what do you do?
You walk around pretending,
"I don't deserve it."
But you do deserve it,
don't you understand that?
That's a waste!
It's one of the biggest wastes in the world...
because you have the ability to be the best!
You come here.
You go around...
thinking you're a loser...
and, boy, you'll become a loser.
And pretty soon...
the only people you'll be able to beat...
are those people who think
they're bigger losers than you are.