Maybe you want to step up.
You ain't welcome around here no more.
Nick says you're out.
Tell him I'll burn this place to the ground
if he thinks I'm out.
And tell Johnny, when he gets his hand
out of that cast I put him in...
that I want his game, too.
-You did that to his hand?
-What the fuck will you do?
Fuck! It's fucking bullshit, man.
We can't let them come into our pool room
and push us around.
-We gotta do something.
-What? Joe's a fucking psycho. He'll kill us.
We've gotta beat him at his own game.
That sounds great, but Joe's got
this demon fucking pool fiend with him.
-The guy never misses. He's unconscious.
-We'll get Johnny to play.
Fuck that. Johnny's out of his mind.
He's got chick drama and a broken hand.
Anybody's gonna step up, it's gonna be me.
Are you deaf? Did you not hear me?
The guy never misses.
-He just destroyed me.
-Chris, I destroy you.
This is different. The guy's really good.
I'll play him on table 4.
Nobody knows better how that table rolls.
That's true.
Table 4 does roll pretty fucked up.
You know why? I'm the one
who put the matchbox under the leg.
-Give me my $100 back.
We're gonna have to pawn your car.
I need money to put pressure on them.
Wait a minute. Pawn my car?
-You're not gonna pawn my car.
-lt's just for one day.
Are you out of your fucking mind?
There's no way I'm gonna let you do this.
In a million years,
you are never gonna pawn my car.
Let's go, Phil. $500 a hole.
Let's get cracking.
Hold your horses. I gotta call my wife...
and tell her I'll be stuck in traffic
for at least a week.
Mr. Stein, you forgot to sign these.
Thank you.
That's great. You know...
I need to talk to the both of you.
Remember that bet you made?
This is the last time
I'm gonna call you, so....