-Give me my $100 back.
We're gonna have to pawn your car.
I need money to put pressure on them.
Wait a minute. Pawn my car?
-You're not gonna pawn my car.
-lt's just for one day.
Are you out of your fucking mind?
There's no way I'm gonna let you do this.
In a million years,
you are never gonna pawn my car.
Let's go, Phil. $500 a hole.
Let's get cracking.
Hold your horses. I gotta call my wife...
and tell her I'll be stuck in traffic
for at least a week.
Mr. Stein, you forgot to sign these.
Thank you.
That's great. You know...
I need to talk to the both of you.
Remember that bet you made?
This is the last time
I'm gonna call you, so....
I don't know, if you change your mind,
or if you ever check your machine...
then you'll know where to find me.
All right. Bye.
I am not having a good day.
Every day is a good day, kid.
Just try missing one once.
I gotta go get some felt for the tables.
I'll be gone a couple of hours.
-Keep an eye on the castle.
-You got it.
Here's the keys.
Make sure you lock up
before you leave, all right?
Back off her.
-Hey, Nick.
What happened to your hand?
I cut myself shaving.