
- What are those?
- Your things.

My things? - Like those are your
books, these are your things.

- What do you think?
- Where did you get all this?

I collected them while I've been
following you for ten years.

You kept loosing your stuff
in bars, clubs and trains.

When you get drunk,
you loose things. - I know.

I have two light coats, three
coats, one leather jacket,

gloves, scarves, umbrellas at
home. I couldn't bring it all.

There, it is my present
for your birthday. Cheers.

My God.
Yes? - We're going out on the
street. We'II stop the traffic.

- I'll be there in five minutes.
- We can't wait anymore!

You're fucking around upstairs
and we're working like slaves!

Don't do anything stupid!
I'm on my way!

We won't rest until
we see your back!

And when you see my back,
you can kiss my ass!

Those who go out in the street,
will stay in the street!

A whole life in a suitcase?
Where did I get this binoculars?
You don't remember? It was
a present from my daughter.

- From Anna?
- On New Year's Eve 1997.

During those big demonstrations,
when you thought you had won.

You were celebrating
the New Year and victory.
